Prayer is a divine weapon we use to fight and win our spiritual battles.
When we pray, we tap into the power of God.
Christ's model on prayer is found in Matthew 6.
Put prayer before other activities and avoid distractions while praying.
Maintain an attitude of prayer through each day.
Studying the Bible
Bible study is letting God talk to us.
The Bible is a manual to keep us on right track.
Pray and meditate on what you read.
Have a schedule to help you read through the whole Bible.
Be humble enough to let go of long-held beliefs and traditions when confronted with God's truth.
Aids like commentaries, books, articles, dictionaries, concordance, lexicons, maps and devotionals are useful in pointing out different aspects of a particular topic.
Apply what you learned.
Fasting is going without food and drink to seek God's face through the Word and prayer.
Fasting draws us closer to God.
Devote at least one day in a month for a 24-hour fasting.
Overcoming sin
Sin means missing the mark, transgressing God's law.
It leads to death, suffering, pain, and ultimate separation from God.
Overcoming sin is a lifetime endeavour which involves identifying the sin, avioding the cause, willing to overcome, remembering the deadly consequences, setting mind on the reward of overcoming, being humble, replacing sinful habits with righteous habits, seeking godly counsel, asking God's help, and never giving up.
Attending church
The church refers to a group of individuals who are 'called out' to live a life different from the world.
Attending church services is essential to strengthen our faith.
God demands fellowship of Christians.
Developing fruits of the Spirit
Faith without fruits is dead.
God loves and rewards fruit-bearing.
Description of the fruits of the Spirit is found in Galatians 5:22-23.
It is by abiding in Christ that we receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit for fruit bearing.
Preaching the Gospel
The Gospel is the message of the Kingdom of God.
It is the primary assignment of every believer as commanded by Christ - 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature'.
It can be done through one-on-one conversation, distribution of tracts, articles, other documents and media, or by supporting mass movements.
Preaching the Gospel is the most rewarding service of every Christian for earth and for eternity.