About Us

about us

God In Prints is a virtual library and repository of personal and spiritual development materials. Our list of resources include: biographies of notable and exceptional men, inspired scripts, books on various aspects of human life, multiversion Scriptures, personal development guide, and other valuable resources. We are delighted to have you here and do hope that you are greatly blessed as you explore our little bank of knowledge. God bless you. 🤝

Mission: To provide a virtual home for every God-seeker, where they can always come for inspiration and self-development, from the records of the life and works of many experts and heroes of the faith and from God's word.

Vision: To be the world's largest repository of Kingdom knowledge.

Participate: We have added a suggestions form to each of our documents page to allow users easily forward topics that are not well considered in our present lists.
We also have forms for easy addition of new resources as articles, biographies and books directly to the list.
While we are working on making our admin portal avialable, using the suggestion and post forms for constributions will be highly appreciated.

Donate: GIP library incur costs on third-party services and personnels time. We also look forward to using advertising and other media to extend the reach of this service and the message it purports.
With your support, we can achieve these and much more while making all avialable for free (near-free) to all users.
To give financial support for this project, kindly use the link below to be redirected to a secure payment page.

Donate to GIP Library

Thank You.


(+234) 704-114-7115


02 Oshuntokun Avenue
Ibadan, Nigeria