There Is a Name In a world of tolerance and pluralism, few truth claims taste as sour as this one: Jesus is the only way to God. Or as t...
Weighing the Beauty and Brevity of Life It’s been ten years since my father died. A decade. Already? Nearly 20 percent of my lifetime has passed since I last s...
What Dead Abel Speaks to Us The story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 tells much more about Cain than Abel. In fact, not one word is recorded from liv...
What Is Life’s Ultimate Good Dear Dan, I agree; any view that has God as the foundation of morality — like the Christian view I described in my la...
Will You Lose Your Faith in College Will you keep your faith in college? Odds are you won’t, at least according to Barna Research. Barna estimates that r...
books don’t change people, paragraphs do I have often said, “Books don’t change people, paragraphs do — sometimes sentences.” This may not be fair to books, si...
the bride satan loves to insult My Dear Globdrop, I’ve had the misfortune of receiving the protestation you called a letter. My favorite line was when...