The Badge the Bible and Bigfoot [2021] Full Movie
the single person’s search for intimacy The other night, my best friend and I watched a show together from a thousand miles away. If I can’t fly to D.C. and sh...
to men who want to marry - how to prepare to lead well A few months into our marriage, it dawned on me: I was unprepared, as though I had studied for the wrong exam. Before o...
valentine’s day for single christians There is a strangeness to Saint Valentine’s Day. G.K. Chesterton saw the oddness of it with his remark that “there see...
what if my singleness never ends It happened suddenly this past May, the moment I’d prayed for and sought after for quite some time: the moment I became...
who is the fairest in the land - lessons for young men on attraction Some single men miss wonderful women because they’re fixated on all the wrong things. Whether suffering from worldly id...
you don’t have to get married to be happy You don’t have to get married to be happy. In fact, until we realize that we don’t have to get married to be happy, we’...
your letter to your future spouse I vividly remember the first time I saw the movie Titanic . The passionate love between Jack and Rose awakened somethi...