The Prodigal Planet (A Thief in the Night Part 4)
What Does Ongoing Sin Say About Me One of the most common questions a Christian can ask is also one of the most troubling: What does my ongoing sin say ab...
When I (Still) Don’t Desire God It’s been fifteen years since I wrote When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy . I wrote it because hundreds of p...
every day’s a bad day - how ecclesiastes taught me to enjoy life After decades of ministry, what is one piece of advice I wish I had received as a young woman? Study the book of Eccles...
host as you are - practicing hospitality as a family Love God and love your neighbor . This is the Butterfield family motto. It makes us humble, messy, and on the frontlin...
how to love people you don’t like “Nothing makes me more unsure whether I will persevere until the end like spending too long in his presence.” Months ha...
learning the lyrics of god A preacher once told me, “Although I often read a psalm to people in the hospital, I would never consider preaching fro...
ready to commit, slow to compare - a recipe for real community Months ago a young couple visited our church, and we had them over to our home for lunch. As we ate and conversed over ...
walk in his providence - how god opens doors for you When the master in Jesus’s parable gave talents to his servants and went away, two got busy multiplying their master’s ...
why god loves people who hate each other The church is filled with lots of dangerously different people. There are rich and poor, old and young, male and femal...
why join a church One of the most counter-cultural things you can do is become an engaged member of a faithful local church. In our flig...