Smuggling In Suburbia - Full Movie
Our Lives in His Does our right standing before God depend on our becoming more like Jesus, or does our becoming more like Jesus flow fro...
Trade Self-Help for God-Help They set out to get help from a higher power. The lion needed courage. The tinman needed a heart. The scarecrow needed a...
We Need More Holy Fools A man is trapped in a car, rushing down a hill toward a cliff. The doors are locked. The brakes are out. The steering b...
What Cravings Will Take from You We spend our lives with hands out and mouths open, looking for what we might consume. This is our experience as humans, ...
disowned for jesus - what i lost and found in christ When I left Islam to follow Jesus, I didn’t know what it would cost me. I hadn’t realized what it would take to deny my...
he carried a cross through the empire - ignatius of antioch (35–107) Shaded from the heat of a Syrian summer, an old man sits in shackles, speaking earnestly to a secretary. His words ming...
iwo jima and the monumental sacrifice “Some people wonder all their lives if they made a difference,” Ronald Reagan once said. Then he added, “The Marines do...
lord, all i have is yours Jesus’s encounter with the rich young man has always unsettled me. I’m an American. I’m as middle-class as Americans go...
my times are in your hand - learning to trust the speed of god Did you know your head ages faster than your feet? Scientists have confirmed this, proving again that Albert Einstein w...
slain in the shadow of the almighty He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty . I will say to the Lord, “My ...